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Illini Bluffs CUSD #327

​Dr. Roger Alvey, Superintendent

Mrs. Lisa Webb, Office Manager
Mrs. Melissa Brown, Bookkeeper

9611 S Hanna City-Glasford Road
Glasford, IL 61533

309.389.2231 Phone | 309.389.2251 Fax


Illini Bluffs High School

Mr. Keith Brown, Principal

Mrs. Linda Jarrett, Office Manager

309.389.5681 Phone | 309.389.5682 Fax


Illini Bluffs Middle School

Mrs. Karen Peterson, Principal
Mrs. Mindi Bevill, Office Manager

309.389.3451 Phone | 309.389.3454 Fax


Illini Bluffs Elementary School

Mrs. Janet Huene, Principal
Mrs. Sandy David, Office Manager
Mrs. JoAnn Edwards, Secretary

309.389.5025 Phone | 309.389.5027 Fax


Illini Bluffs Transportation Department

Mr. Jim Mohn, Director
Mrs. Kandy Rudd, Secretary

309.389.5735 Phone | 309.389.4920 Fax


Illini Bluffs Technology Department

Mr. Cody Martzluf, Director
Mrs. Lindsey Lox, Technology Integration Specialist

309.389.5378 Phone Email


Illini Bluffs Food Service Department

Mrs. Trudy Heitzman, Director

309.389.3010 Phone


For general inquries, please contact the district office at 309.389.2231. For FOIA requests, please visit our FOIA page.  If you have questions in regard to the website, please email the webmaster.


Driving Directions

From Peoria

Take Route 24 south of the city and continue to the town of Kingston Mines.  Turn right on Kingston Mines road.  Turn left on to Main St.  Veer to the right at the railroad tracks and the entrance will be on your left.


From Bartonville

Take Pfeiffer Road West out of town and veer to the left onto Lancaster Road. Follow Lancaster until it runs into Hanna City-Glasford Rd.  Turn left on Hanna City-Glasford Road and the entrance will be on your right. 


From Canton

Follow Hwy 27 East of town.  Turn right onto on Glasford-Canton Blacktop.   Turn right onto Hanna City-Glasford Rd and the entrance will be on your right. 


From Farmington

Head East of town on Route 116.  Turn right on Stone School Road/County Hwy 27.  Turn left on Glasford-Canton Blacktop.  Turn right onto Hanna City-Glasford Rd and the entrance will be on your right. 


From Pekin

After crossing the bridge turn left onto Route 24 and continue to the town of Kingston Mines.  Turn right on Kingston Mines road.  Turn left on to Main St.  Veer to the right at the railroad tracks and the entrance will be on your left.


©2019 Illini Bluffs Community Unit School District #327

9611 Hanna City-Glasford Rd.
Glasford, IL 61533

Phone: 309.389.2231

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