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Homeless Child’s Right to Education


At Illini Bluffs we believe each child of a homeless individual and each homeless youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education as provided to other children and youths, including a public pre-school education.


When a child loses permanent housing and becomes a homeless person as defined at law, or when a homeless child changes his or her temporary living arrangements, the parent or guardian of the homeless child has the option of either: (1) continuing the child's education in the school of origin for as long as the child remains homeless or, if the child becomes permanently housed, until the end of the academic year during which the housing is acquired; or (2) enrolling the child in any school that non-homeless students who live in the attendance area in which the child or youth is actually living are eligible to attend. Assistance and support for homeless families includes educational organizations, food banks, meal programs, lost service agencies, family shelters, and medical services. Contact the building principal or Guidance Counselor for assistance with these programs.


A homeless child is defined as provided in the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act and the Ill. Education for Homeless Children Act.  Homelessness is broadly defined to include (but is not limited to) a child who lacks a fixed regular and adequate nighttime residence.  A child is deemed to be homeless if the child lives in a transition shelter, hotel or motel, is awaiting foster care, and/or is sharing the house of other persons due to loss of housing or economic necessity.


For more information please contact a building Principal or our district homeless liaison:

Luanne Resel
District Homeless Liaison
309.389.5681 |

©2019 Illini Bluffs Community Unit School District #327

9611 Hanna City-Glasford Rd.
Glasford, IL 61533

Phone: 309.389.2231

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